
Neuropsychological Evaluation

A comprehensive evaluation is the core service provided, and is undertaken with almost all clients. Children and adolescents referred have a history of educational, developmental, neurological, or medical problems that affect their learning and behavior. The evaluation begins by conducting an in-depth interview with parents to gain a comprehensive understanding of their child’s history and to clarify the specific concerns for the evaluation. Each evaluation is tailored to comprehensively cover an individual child’s needs (e.g., math or reading problems; processing speed issues; memory difficulties). The evaluation comprises a variety of cognitive and educational tests (e.g., paper-and-pencil, computer-based tests) that the child completes. In addition, both the parents and the teacher rate the child on questionnaires targeted at assessing social, emotional, and behavioral functioning. The findings from the tests administered are used to characterize a child’s cognitive and behavioral strengths and weaknesses. From these, a treatment plan is created for implementation at home and at school. The plan is presented to parents in person with ample opportunity for discussion and questions.

Psychoeducational Evaluation

The key purpose of a psychoeducational evaluation is to evaluate the presence and severity of one or more specific learning disorders. Educational tests assess a child’s academic achievement in reading, math, spelling, and written expression. Each evaluation is tailored to the specific issues of the individual child and the extent of testing varies depending upon the age of the child and the presenting concerns. Diagnostic conclusions are provided to parents and school staff to help guide a child’s academic programming and needed interventions.

Dr. Krantz has a special interest in the evaluation of complex learning disorders given her prior professional career as a learning disability specialist. She continues to stay well-versed in up-to-date research-based methods and materials used in the remediation of specific learning disorders.

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Psychological Assessment

Sometimes children require a detailed psychological assessment to comprehensively understand their emotional and behavioral functioning. This can aid in treatment planning (e.g., therapy; whether a medication evaluation is warranted). Emotional testing is typically completed as part of a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation, although additional tests are incorporated when emotional difficulties are of primary concern. Tests utilized are completed by the child, the parents and one or more teachers.

Parent & School Consultation

Dr. Krantz frequently consults with parents who are uncertain about a variety of issues including school placement, what other professionals their child should see (e.g., a therapist; a psychiatrist; a learning specialist; a neurologist). She has collaborative working relationships with schools throughout Marin County and San Francisco. When families come for neuropsychological assessment from outside of the Bay Area, Dr. Krantz will assist in researching appropriate next steps and referrals for you and your child.

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Forensic Service

Dr. Krantz provides consultation to both plaintiff and defense attorneys regarding personal injury claims (e.g., traumatic brain injury). She provides comprehensive medical record review and case consultation as well as comprehensive independent neuropsychological evaluations for cases involved in litigation.

Forensic neuropsychological evaluations differ from general clinical evaluations in that they require more extensive records review, determination of causality, and prediction of how current injuries have implications for future functioning.